Migration Guide

Policy Reporter


Deprecated values are removed

- crdVersion: v1alpha1- cleanupDebounceTime: 20

Yandex push target

Changed into a general S3 Target.

target:-  yandex:-    accessKeyID: ""-    secretAccessKey: ""-    region: ""-    endpoint: ""-    bucket: ""-    prefix: ""-    minimumPriority: ""-    skipExistingOnStartup: true+  s3:+    accessKeyID: ""+    secretAccessKey: ""+    region: "ru-central1"+    endpoint: "https://storage.yandexcloud.net"+    bucket: ""+    prefix: ""+    minimumPriority: ""+    sources: []+    skipExistingOnStartup: true

Metrics API

Metrics are now optional and disabled by default. They are enabled if you use the monitoring subchart. Otherwise, you need to enable them separately.

Metrics are now using the same HTTP Server as the REST APIs (8080 instead of 2112).

+ metrics:+    enabled: true


REST APIs are now optional and disabled by default. They are enabled if you use the ui subchart. Otherwise, you need to enable them separately.

+ rest:+    enabled: true

Network Policy

Egress traffic is now configured as default egress rule instead of the networkPolicy.kubernetesApiPort value.

networkPolicy:  enabled: true-  kubernetesApiPort: 6443-  egress: []+  egress:+  - to:+    ports:+    - protocol: TCP+      port: 6443

Priority mapping

The watch feature was removed, so it is enabled by default. Its recommended to use the severity of your policy to define the priority.

- policyPriorities:-   enabled: false-   mapping: {}+ policyPriorities: {}

Kyverno Plugin

Network Policy

Egress traffic is now configured as default egress rule instead of the kyvernoPlugin.networkPolicy.kubernetesApiPort value.

kyvernoPlugin:  networkPolicy:    enabled: true-    kubernetesApiPort: 6443-    egress: []+    egress:+    - to:+      ports:+      - protocol: TCP+        port: 6443



Namespace configuration for the Grafana Dashboard ConfigMaps moved from monitoring.namespace to monitoring.grafana.namespace and has no default value as before.

monitoring:-   namespace: cattle-dashboards+   grafana:+     namespace: cattle-dashboards