Report Filter

ReportFilter are used to configure which PolicyReport resources should be processed or not. It is possible to configure an include or exclude list of namespaces, with wildcard (*) support. ReportFilter can also be used to disable the processing of ClusterPolicyReport resources.

Example for include filter

Helm 3
# values.yamlreportFilter:  namespaces:    include: ["team-a-*", "policy-reporter"]
reportFilter:  namespaces:    include: ["team-a-*", "policy-reporter"]

Example for exclude filter

Helm 3
# values.yamlreportFilter:  namespaces:    exclude: ["kube-system", "monitoring", "*-system"]
reportFilter:  namespaces:    exclude: ["kube-system", "monitoring", "*-system"]

Example for disabled ClusterPolicyReport processing

Helm 3
# values.yamlreportFilter:  clusterReports:    disabled: true
reportFilter:  clusterReports:    disabled: true