
Policy Reporter supports different targets to send new PolicyReport results. This makes it possible to create a log or get notified as soon as a new validation result is detected. The set of supported tools are based on personal needs and user requests. Feel free to create an issue or pull request if you want support for a new target.

Target Configurations

Each Target has similar configuration values. Required is always a valid and accessible host or webhook configuration to be able to send the events.

Filter Possibilities

Different optional configurations allow you to define which results should be send to the given target. These configurations are available for every target and can be used together with channels to route notifications to various clients of the same type of target.


Only events with the given priority or higher are sent. By default each priority is sent. See priority mapping for details.


Send only results of the configured sources. By default results from all sources are sent.


On startup, Policy Reporter registers all existing results in the cluster. By default these results are ignored. If you also want to send them to your target, you can set this option to false.

filter (since AppVersion 2.5.0)

The new filter option allows you to define include and exclude rules for the namespaces, policies and priorities of a result. Filters for namespaces and policies have wildcard support.

slack:  webhook: ""  skipExistingOnStartup: true  filter:    namespaces:      include: ["team-a-*"]    priorities:      exclude: ["info", "debug"]    policies:      include: ["require-*"]

Channels (since AppVersion 2.5.0)

The new channels option allows you to define multiple configurations of the same type of target. Thus, in combination with filters, you can route your notifications to different target configurations. Channels have the same configuration properties as the root target configuration.

See the different available targets for concrete example and usage of channels and filter.


Instead of defining your credentials or webhooks directly, you can also use the secretRef configuration to define an already existing Secret by name. If the secret does not exist, the target is skipped.

The Secret should contain the related configuration as key. Supported keys are host, webhook, username, password, token, credentials, accessKeyID and secretAccessKey - depending on the related target. Only exception is token, which is dedicated for webhook targets and is added as Authorization header.

The secretRef is also supported for channels, so you can use different secrets for different channels.

# values.yamltarget:  slack:    minimumPriority: "warning"    skipExistingOnStartup: true    channels:    # secretRef configuration    - secretRef: "team-a-slack-webhook"      filter:        namespaces:          include: ["team-a-*"]    # inline configuration    - webhook: ""      filter:        namespaces:          include: ["team-b-*"]

related Secret:

apiVersion: v1kind: Secretmetadata:  name: team-a-slack-webhooktype: Opaquedata:  webhook: aHR0cHM6Ly9ob29rcy5zbGFjay5jb20vc2VydmljZXMvVDAuLi4= #


Available for loki, elasticsearch, teams, webhook and ui targets. Can be used to configure the path to your custom certificate, added over extraVolumes to the pod.


Available for loki, elasticsearch, teams, webhook and ui targets. Can be used to skip the TLS check.

Grafana Loki

Policy Reporter can send results directly to Grafana Loki without the need of Promtail. Each result includes all available information as labels as well as a source label with policy-reporter as value. To query all messages from Policy Reporter, use {source="policy-reporter"} as the query.


The minimal configuration for Grafana Loki requires a valid and accessible host.

loki:  host: "http://loki.loki-stack:3100"  path: "/loki/api/v1/push"  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  sources:  - kyverno

Channel Example

Channels uses the same host, minimumPriority and skipExistingOnStartup configuration as the root target if not defined.

loki:  host: "http://loki.loki-stack:3100"  path: "/loki/api/v1/push"  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  channels:  - filter:      namespaces:        include: ["teame-a-*"]    customLabels:      team: "Team A"  - filter:      namespaces:        include: ["teame-b-*"]    customLabels:      team: "Team B"


Grafana Loki Screenshot with PolicyReportResults


Policy Reporter sends results in a JSON representation and all available information to a customizable index. This index can be expanded by selecting one of the different rotations or none to disable this function. By default Policy Reporter creates a new index on a daily basis.

Additional configuration

  • index is used as an index name. Uses policy-reporter if not configured.
  • rotation is used to create rotating indexes by adding the rotation date as suffix to the index name. Possible values are daily, monthly, annually and none. Uses daily if not configured.
  • username and password to use HTTP Basic Auth based authentication.


The minimal configuration for Elasticsearch requires a valid and accessible host.

elasticsearch:  host: "http://elasticsearch.elk-stack:8080"  index: "policy-reporter"  rotation: "daily"  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  sources:  - kyverno

Channel Example

Channels uses the same host, minimumPriority and skipExistingOnStartup, index, rotation configuration as the root target if not defined.

Send only critical notifications to a different index with a daily rotation

elasticsearch:  host: "http://elasticsearch.elk-stack:8080"  index: "policy-reporter"  rotation: "weekly"  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  filter:    priorities:      exclude: ["critical"]  channels:  - index: "critical-violations"    rotation: "daily"    filter:      priorities:        include: ["critical"]


Elasticvue Screenshot with PolicyReportResults

Microsoft Teams

Send new PolicyReportResults with all available information over the webhook API to Microsoft Teams.


The minimal configuration for Microsoft Teams requires a valid and accessible webhook URL.

teams:  webhook: ""  minimumPriority: "critical"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  sources:  - kyverno

Channel Example

Channels uses the same minimumPriority and skipExistingOnStartup configuration as the root target if not defined.

Send notification based on namespace prefix to a dedicated Teams Channel

teams:  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  channels:  - webhook: ""    filter:      namespaces:        include: ["team-a-*"]  - webhook: ""    filter:      namespaces:        include: ["team-b-*"]


MS Teams Notification for a PolicyReportResult


Send new PolicyReportResults with all available information over the webhook API to Slack.


The minimal configuration for Slack requires a valid and accessible webhook URL.

slack:  webhook: ""  minimumPriority: "critical"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  sources:  - kyverno

Channel Example

Channels uses the same minimumPriority and skipExistingOnStartup configuration as the root target if not defined.

Send notification based on namespace prefix to a dedicated Slack Channel

slack:  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  channels:  - webhook: ""    filter:      namespaces:        include: ["team-a-*"]  - webhook: ""    filter:      namespaces:        include: ["team-b-*"]


Slack Notification for a PolicyReportResult


Send new PolicyReportResults with all available information over the webhook API to Discord.


The minimal configuration for Discord requires a valid and accessible webhook URL.

discord:  webhook: ""  minimumPriority: "critical"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  sources:  - kyverno

Channel Example

Channels uses the same minimumPriority and skipExistingOnStartup configuration as the root target if not defined.

Send notification based on namespace prefix to a dedicated Discord Channel

discord:  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  channels:  - webhook: ""    filter:      namespaces:        include: ["team-a-*"]  - webhook: ""    filter:      namespaces:        include: ["team-b-*"]


Discord Notification for a PolicyReportResult

Policy Reporter UI

Send new PolicyReportResults with all available information as JSON to the REST API of Policy Reporter UI. You can find the received Results in the Logs view of the UI. The results are stored in memory. The max number of stored results can be configured in the Policy Reporter UI.

If the Policy Reporter UI is installed via Helm Chart, it is configured as a target by default with a minimumPriority of warning and a maximum logSize of 200. The logSize can be configured in the Policy Reporter UI Subchart.


The minimal configuration for Policy Reporter UI requires a valid and accessible host URL.

ui:  host: "http://policy-reporter-ui:8080"  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  sources:  - kyverno


Policy Reporter UI - Logs View dark mode Policy Reporter UI - Logs View light mode


Send new PolicyReportResults with all available information as JSON POST request to a custom API with extendable header information.


The minimal configuration for Webhook requires a valid and accessible host URL.

webhook:  host: ""  headers:    Authorization: "Bearer XXXXXX"  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  sources:  - kyverno

Channel Example

Channels uses the same minimumPriority and skipExistingOnStartup configuration as the root target if not defined. Root headers will be merged together with the defined channel headers.

Send notification based on namespace prefix to a dedicated Webhook URL

webhook:  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  headers:    Authorization: "Bearer XXXXXX"  channels:  - host: ""    filter:      namespaces:        include: ["team-a-*"]  - host: ""    filter:      namespaces:        include: ["team-b-*"]

Content Example

{   "message":"validation error: Running as root is not allowed. The fields spec.securityContext.runAsNonRoot, spec.containers[*].securityContext.runAsNonRoot, and spec.initContainers[*].securityContext.runAsNonRoot must be `true`. Rule check-containers[0] failed at path /spec/securityContext/runAsNonRoot/. Rule check-containers[1] failed at path /spec/containers/0/securityContext/.",   "policy":"require-run-as-non-root",   "rule":"check-containers",   "priority":"warning",   "status":"fail",   "severity":"medium",   "category":"Pod Security Standards (Restricted)",   "scored":true,   "creationTimestamp":"2021-12-04T10:13:02Z",   "resource":{      "apiVersion":"v1",      "kind":"Pod",      "name":"nginx2",      "namespace":"test",      "uid":"ac4d11f3-0aa8-43f0-8056-98f4eae0d956"   }}

S3 compatible Storage

Policy Reporter can also send results to S3 compatible services like MinIO, Yandex or AWS S3.

It persists each result as JSON in the following structure: s3://<bucket>/<prefix>/YYYY-MM-DD/<policy-name>-<result-id>-YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.json

IRSA Support

In case of AWS S3, authentication via IRSA is supported. It requires the AWS_ROLE_ARN and AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE ENV vars to be available.

Additional Configure

  • endpoint to the S3 API
  • accessKeyID and secretAccessKey for authentication with the required write permissions for the selected bucket
  • bucket in which the results are persisted
  • region of the bucket
  • prefix of the file path. Uses policy-reporter as default


s3:  endpoint: ""  region: "ru-central1"  bucket: "dev-cluster"  secretAccessKey: "secretAccessKey"  accessKeyID: "accessKeyID"  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  sources:  - kyverno

Channel Example

Channels uses the same endpoint, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, region, bucket, prefix, minimumPriority and skipExistingOnStartup configuration as the root target if not defined.

Send critical results for a given policy to a dedicated AWS S3 bucket

s3:  endpoint: ""  region: "eu-central-1"  bucket: "policy-violations"  secretAccessKey: "secretAccessKey"  accessKeyID: "accessKeyID"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  channels:  - bucket: "privileged-containers-violations"    filter:      priorities:        include: ["critical"]      policies:        include: ["disallow-privileged-containers"]  sources:  - kyverno

Content Example

{   "Message":"validation error: Running as root is not allowed. The fields spec.securityContext.runAsNonRoot, spec.containers[*].securityContext.runAsNonRoot, and spec.initContainers[*].securityContext.runAsNonRoot must be `true`. Rule check-containers[0] failed at path /spec/securityContext/runAsNonRoot/. Rule check-containers[1] failed at path /spec/containers/0/securityContext/.",   "Policy":"require-run-as-non-root",   "Rule":"check-containers",   "Priority":"warning",   "Status":"fail",   "Category":"Pod Security Standards (Restricted)",   "Source":"Kyverno",   "Scored":true,   "Timestamp":"2021-12-04T10:13:02Z",   "Resource":{      "APIVersion":"v1",      "Kind":"Pod",      "Name":"nginx2",      "Namespace":"test",      "UID":"ac4d11f3-0aa8-43f0-8056-98f4eae0d956"   }}

Kinesis compatible Services

Policy Reporter can also send results to Kinesis compatible services like Yandex or AWS Kinesis.

IRSA Support

In case of AWS Kinesis, authentication via IRSA is supported. It requires the AWS_ROLE_ARN and AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE ENV vars to be available.

Additional Configure

  • endpoint to the S3 API
  • accessKeyID and secretAccessKey for authentication with the required write permissions for the selected stream
  • streamName in which the results are send to
  • region of the stream


kinesis:  endpoint: ""  region: "eu-central-1"  streamName: "policy-reporter"  secretAccessKey: "secretAccessKey"  accessKeyID: "accessKeyID"  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  sources:  - kyverno

Channel Example

Channels uses the same endpoint, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, region, streamName, minimumPriority and skipExistingOnStartup configuration as the root target if not defined.

Send critical results for a given policy to a dedicated AWS Kinesis Stream

kinesis:  endpoint: ""  region: "eu-central-1"  streamName: "policy-reporter"  secretAccessKey: "secretAccessKey"  accessKeyID: "accessKeyID"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  channels:  - streamName: "critical-policy-violations"    filter:      priorities:        include: ["critical"]      policies:        include: ["disallow-privileged-containers"]  sources:  - kyverno

Content Example

{   "Message":"validation error: Running as root is not allowed. The fields spec.securityContext.runAsNonRoot, spec.containers[*].securityContext.runAsNonRoot, and spec.initContainers[*].securityContext.runAsNonRoot must be `true`. Rule check-containers[0] failed at path /spec/securityContext/runAsNonRoot/. Rule check-containers[1] failed at path /spec/containers/0/securityContext/.",   "Policy":"require-run-as-non-root",   "Rule":"check-containers",   "Priority":"warning",   "Status":"fail",   "Category":"Pod Security Standards (Restricted)",   "Source":"Kyverno",   "Scored":true,   "Timestamp":"2021-12-04T10:13:02Z",   "Resource":{      "APIVersion":"v1",      "Kind":"Pod",      "Name":"nginx2",      "Namespace":"test",      "UID":"ac4d11f3-0aa8-43f0-8056-98f4eae0d956"   }}

AWS SecurityHub

Policy Reporter can also send results to the AWS SecurityHub.

IRSA Support

In case of AWS S3, authentication via IRSA is supported. It requires the AWS_ROLE_ARN and AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE ENV vars to be available. If you are using IRSA auth, the AccountID is optional.

Additional Configure

  • endpoint to the SecurityHub API
  • accessKeyID and secretAccessKey for authentication with the required write permissions for AWS SecurityHub
  • accountID of your AWS Account
  • region of AWS SecurityHub


securityHub:  region: "eu-central-1"  accountID: "account_id"  secretAccessKey: "secretAccessKey"  accessKeyID: "accessKeyID"  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  sources:  - kyverno

Channel Example

Channels uses the same endpoint, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, region, accoundID, minimumPriority and skipExistingOnStartup configuration as the root target if not defined.

Send critical results for a given policy to a dedicated AWS Kinesis Stream

securityHub:  region: "eu-central-1"  accountID: "account_id"  secretAccessKey: "secretAccessKey"  accessKeyID: "accessKeyID"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  channels:  - region: "us-east-1"    filter:      priorities:        include: ["critical"]      policies:        include: ["disallow-privileged-containers"]  sources:  - kyverno


AWS SecurityHub Screenshot with PolicyReportResults

Google Cloud Storage

Policy Reporter can also send results to Google Cloud Storage.

It persists each result as JSON in the following structure: <bucket>/<prefix>/YYYY-MM-DD/<policy-name>-<result-id>-YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.json

Additional Configure

  • credentials as JSON string for authentication with the required write permissions for the selected bucket
  • bucket in which the results are persisted
  • prefix of the file path. Uses policy-reporter as default


gcs:  bucket: "dev-cluster"  credentials: "{}"  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  sources:  - kyverno

Channel Example

Channels uses the same credentials, prefix, minimumPriority and skipExistingOnStartup configuration as the root target if not defined.

Send critical results for a given policy to a dedicated GCS bucket

gcs:  bucket: "policy-violations"  credentials: "{}"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  channels:  - bucket: "privileged-containers-violations"    filter:      priorities:        include: ["critical"]      policies:        include: ["disallow-privileged-containers"]  sources:  - kyverno

Content Example

{   "Message":"validation error: Running as root is not allowed. The fields spec.securityContext.runAsNonRoot, spec.containers[*].securityContext.runAsNonRoot, and spec.initContainers[*].securityContext.runAsNonRoot must be `true`. Rule check-containers[0] failed at path /spec/securityContext/runAsNonRoot/. Rule check-containers[1] failed at path /spec/containers/0/securityContext/.",   "Policy":"require-run-as-non-root",   "Rule":"check-containers",   "Priority":"warning",   "Status":"fail",   "Category":"Pod Security Standards (Restricted)",   "Source":"Kyverno",   "Scored":true,   "Timestamp":"2021-12-04T10:13:02Z",   "Resource":{      "APIVersion":"v1",      "Kind":"Pod",      "Name":"nginx2",      "Namespace":"test",      "UID":"ac4d11f3-0aa8-43f0-8056-98f4eae0d956"   }}


Send new PolicyReportResults with all available information to Telegram Bot API.


The minimal configuration for Telegram requires a chatID and bot token.

telegram:  chatID: "XXX"  token: "XXXX"  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true

Channel Example

Channels uses the same token, minimumPriority and skipExistingOnStartup configuration as the root target if not defined.

Send notification based on namespace prefix to a dedicated Telegram Chat

telegram:  token: "XXXX"  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  channels:  - chatID: "XXX1"    filter:      namespaces:        include: ["team-a-*"]  - chatID: "XXX2"    filter:      namespaces:        include: ["team-b-*"]


Telegram Notification for a PolicyReportResult

Google Chat

Send new PolicyReportResults with all available information to the GoogleChat API.


The minimal configuration for GoogleChat requires a valid and accessible webhook URL.

googleChat:  webhook: ""  minimumPriority: "critical"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  sources:  - kyverno

Channel Example

Channels uses the same minimumPriority and skipExistingOnStartup configuration as the root target if not defined.

Send notification based on namespace prefix to a dedicated GoogleChat Group

googleChat:  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  channels:  - webhook: ""    filter:      namespaces:        include: ["team-a-*"]  - webhook: ""    filter:      namespaces:        include: ["team-b-*"]


GoogleChat Notification for a PolicyReportResult

Configuration Reference

Helm 3
# values.yamltarget:  loki:    host: ""    path: ""    minimumPriority: ""    skipExistingOnStartup: true    certificate: ""    skipTLS: false    mountedSecret: ""    secretRef: ""    customLabels: {}    sources: []    filter:      namespaces:        include: []        exclude: []      policies:        include: []        exclude: []      priorities:        include: []        exclude: []      channels: []  elasticsearch:    host: ""    index: "policy-reporter"    rotation: "daily"    username: ""    password: ""    minimumPriority: ""    skipExistingOnStartup: true    certificate: ""    skipTLS: false    mountedSecret: ""    typelessApi: false    secretRef: ""    sources: []    filter:      namespaces:        include: []        exclude: []      policies:        include: []        exclude: []      priorities:        include: []        exclude: []      channels: []  slack:    webhook: ""    minimumPriority: ""    skipExistingOnStartup: true    mountedSecret: ""    secretRef: ""    sources: []    filter:      namespaces:        include: []        exclude: []      policies:        include: []        exclude: []      priorities:        include: []        exclude: []      channels: []  discord:    webhook: ""    minimumPriority: ""    skipExistingOnStartup: true    mountedSecret: ""    secretRef: ""    sources: []    filter:      namespaces:        include: []        exclude: []      policies:        include: []        exclude: []      priorities:        include: []        exclude: []      channels: []  teams:    webhook: ""    minimumPriority: ""    skipExistingOnStartup: true    mountedSecret: ""    secretRef: ""    sources: []    filter:      namespaces:        include: []        exclude: []      policies:        include: []        exclude: []      priorities:        include: []        exclude: []      channels: []  ui:    host: http://policy-reporter-ui:8080    minimumPriority: "warning"    skipExistingOnStartup: true    sources: []  webhook:    host: ""    headers: {}    minimumPriority: ""    skipExistingOnStartup: true    certificate: ""    skipTLS: false    mountedSecret: ""    secretRef: ""    sources: []    filter:      namespaces:        include: []        exclude: []      policies:        include: []        exclude: []      priorities:        include: []        exclude: []      channels: []  s3:    endpoint: ""    region: ""    bucket: ""    prefix: "policy-reporter"    secretAccessKey: ""    accessKeyID: ""    minimumPriority: "warning"    skipExistingOnStartup: true    mountedSecret: ""    secretRef: ""    sources: []    filter:      namespaces:        include: []        exclude: []      policies:        include: []        exclude: []      priorities:        include: []        exclude: []      channels: []  kinesis:    endpoint: ""    region: ""    streamName: ""    secretAccessKey: ""    accessKeyID: ""    minimumPriority: "warning"    skipExistingOnStartup: true    mountedSecret: ""    secretRef: ""    sources: []    filter:      namespaces:        include: []        exclude: []      policies:        include: []        exclude: []      priorities:        include: []        exclude: []      channels: []  gcs:    credentials: ""    bucket: ""    minimumPriority: "warning"    skipExistingOnStartup: true    mountedSecret: ""    secretRef: ""    sources: []    filter:      namespaces:        include: []        exclude: []      policies:        include: []        exclude: []      priorities:        include: []        exclude: []      channels: []  googleChat:    webhook: ""    minimumPriority: ""    skipExistingOnStartup: true    mountedSecret: ""    secretRef: ""    sources: []    filter:      namespaces:        include: []        exclude: []      policies:        include: []        exclude: []      priorities:        include: []        exclude: []      channels: []  telegram:    token: ""    chatID: ""    host: ""    minimumPriority: ""    skipExistingOnStartup: true    mountedSecret: ""    secretRef: ""    sources: []    filter:      namespaces:        include: []        exclude: []      policies:        include: []        exclude: []      priorities:        include: []        exclude: []      channels: []
loki:  host: ""  path: ""  minimumPriority: ""  skipExistingOnStartup: true  certificate: ""  skipTLS: false  mountedSecret: ""  secretRef: ""  customLabels: {}  sources: []  filter:    namespaces:      include: []      exclude: []    policies:      include: []      exclude: []    priorities:      include: []      exclude: []    channels: []elasticsearch:  host: ""  index: "policy-reporter"  rotation: "daily"  minimumPriority: ""  skipExistingOnStartup: true  certificate: ""  skipTLS: false  mountedSecret: ""  secretRef: ""  sources: []  filter:    namespaces:      include: []      exclude: []    policies:      include: []      exclude: []    priorities:      include: []      exclude: []    channels: []slack:  webhook: ""  minimumPriority: ""  skipExistingOnStartup: true  mountedSecret: ""  secretRef: ""  sources: []  filter:    namespaces:      include: []      exclude: []    policies:      include: []      exclude: []    priorities:      include: []      exclude: []    channels: []discord:  webhook: ""  minimumPriority: ""  skipExistingOnStartup: true  mountedSecret: ""  secretRef: ""  sources: []  filter:    namespaces:      include: []      exclude: []    policies:      include: []      exclude: []    priorities:      include: []      exclude: []    channels: []teams:  webhook: ""  minimumPriority: ""  skipExistingOnStartup: true  mountedSecret: ""  secretRef: ""  sources: []  filter:    namespaces:      include: []      exclude: []    policies:      include: []      exclude: []    priorities:      include: []      exclude: []    channels: []ui:  host: http://policy-reporter-ui:8080  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  sources: []webhook:  host: ""  headers: {}  minimumPriority: ""  skipExistingOnStartup: true  certificate: ""  skipTLS: false  mountedSecret: ""  secretRef: ""  sources: []  filter:    namespaces:      include: []      exclude: []    policies:      include: []      exclude: []    priorities:      include: []      exclude: []    channels: []s3:  endpoint: ""  region: ""  bucket: ""  prefix: "policy-reporter"  secretAccessKey: ""  accessKeyID: ""  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  mountedSecret: ""  secretRef: ""  sources: []  filter:    namespaces:      include: []      exclude: []    policies:      include: []      exclude: []    priorities:      include: []      exclude: []    channels: []kinesis:  endpoint: ""  region: ""  streamName: ""  secretAccessKey: ""  accessKeyID: ""  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  mountedSecret: ""  secretRef: ""  sources: []  filter:    namespaces:      include: []      exclude: []    policies:      include: []      exclude: []    priorities:      include: []      exclude: []    channels: []gcs:  credentials: ""  bucket: ""  minimumPriority: "warning"  skipExistingOnStartup: true  mountedSecret: ""  secretRef: ""  sources: []  filter:    namespaces:      include: []      exclude: []    policies:      include: []      exclude: []    priorities:      include: []      exclude: []    channels: []googleChat:  webhook: ""  minimumPriority: ""  skipExistingOnStartup: true  mountedSecret: ""  secretRef: ""  sources: []  filter:    namespaces:      include: []      exclude: []    policies:      include: []      exclude: []    priorities:      include: []      exclude: []    channels: []telegram:  token: ""  chatID: ""  host: ""  minimumPriority: ""  skipExistingOnStartup: true  mountedSecret: ""  secretRef: ""  sources: []  filter:    namespaces:      include: []      exclude: []    policies:      include: []      exclude: []    priorities:      include: []      exclude: []    channels: []