E-Mail Reports

Sends automatically and regularly email summary reports over a configured SMTP server to one ore more emails. It supports filter and channels to send only a subset of namespaces or sources to dedicated emails, this is useful in multi tenant environments. You can also filter on the root level.

Currently two types of reports are available.

Summary Report

Basic summary report about the amount of results at cluster and namespace level.

Summary Report

Violations Report

Violations report includes, besides the amount of results, a list with all found violation (warn, fail and error) results per namespace and on cluster level.

Violations Report

Channels & Filter

Channels allows you in combination with filter to send only a subset of all available information to dedicated receiver emails.

You can filter by:

  • include or exclude list of namespaces
  • include or exclude list of sources (like Kyverno, Trivy, Falco, etc.)
  • disable ClusterPolicyReports

This allows you for example to send only a subset of namespaces to the related team email address.


Summary Report

Helm 3
# values.yamlemailReports:  clusterName: Playground Cluster  smtp:    host: smtp.server.com    port: 465    username: policy-reporter@company.org    password: password    from: policy-reporter@company.org    encryption: ssl/tls    certificate: ""    skipTLS: false  summary:    enabled: true    schedule: "0 8 * * *" # Send the report each day at 08:00 AM    activeDeadlineSeconds: 300 # timeout in seconds    backoffLimit: 1 # retry counter    ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 60    to: ['receiver@email.com']
emailReports:  clusterName: Playground Cluster  smtp:    host: smtp.server.com    port: 465    username: policy-reporter@company.org    password: password    from: policy-reporter@company.org    encryption: ssl/tls    certificate: ""    skipTLS: false  summary:    to: ['receiver@email.com']
Helm 3 - SMTP Secret
# example secretapiVersion: v1  type: Opaque  kind: Secret  metadata:    name: smpt-config  data:    encryption: c3NsL3Rscw==    host: c210cC5zZXJ2ZXIuY29t    password: cGFzc3dvcmQ=    port: NDY1    username: dXNlcm5hbWU=# values.yamlemailReports:  clusterName: Playground Cluster  smtp:    secret: smtp-config  summary:    enabled: true    schedule: "0 8 * * *" # Send the report each day at 08:00 AM    activeDeadlineSeconds: 300 # timeout in seconds    backoffLimit: 1 # retry counter    ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 60    to: ['receiver@email.com']

Violations Report

Helm 3
# values.yamlemailReports:  clusterName: Playground Cluster  smtp:    host: smtp.server.com    port: 465    username: policy-reporter@company.org    password: password    from: policy-reporter@company.org    encryption: ssl/tls  violations:    enabled: true    schedule: "0 8 * * *" # Send the report each day at 08:00 AM    activeDeadlineSeconds: 300 # timeout in seconds    backoffLimit: 1 # retry counter    ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 60    to: ['receiver@email.com']
emailReports:  clusterName: Playground Cluster  smtp:    host: smtp.server.com    port: 465    username: policy-reporter@company.org    password: password    from: policy-reporter@company.org    encryption: ssl/tls  violations:    to: ['receiver@email.com']

Violations Report per Team

Helm 3
# values.yamlemailReports:  clusterName: Prod Cluster  smtp:    host: smtp.server.com    port: 465    username: policy-reporter@company.org    password: password    from: policy-reporter@company.org    encryption: ssl/tls    certificate: ""    skipTLS: false  violations:    enabled: true    schedule: "0 8 * * *" # Send the report each day at 08:00 AM    activeDeadlineSeconds: 300 # timeout in seconds    backoffLimit: 1 # retry counter    ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 60    channels:    # send only team namespace reports from kyverno to team A    - to: ['team-a@company.org']      filter:        disableClusterReports: true        namespaces:          include: ['team-a-*']        sources:          include: ['Kyverno']    # send only team namespace reports from kyverno to team B    - to: ['team-b@company.org']      filter:        disableClusterReports: true        namespaces:          include: ['team-b-*']        sources:          include: ['Kyverno']    # send Trivy ConfigAudit and Vulnerability Reports to the infra chapter    - to: ['infra@company.org']      filter:        disableClusterReports: false        sources:          include: ['Trivy Vulnerability', 'Trivy ConfigAudit', 'Falco']
emailReports:  clusterName: Prod Cluster  smtp:    host: smtp.server.com    port: 465    username: policy-reporter@company.org    password: password    from: policy-reporter@company.org    encryption: ssl/tls    certificate: ""    skipTLS: false  violations:    channels:    # send only team namespace reports from Kyverno to team A    - to: ['team-a@company.org']      filter:        disableClusterReports: true        namespaces:          include: ['team-a-*']        sources:          include: ['Kyverno']    # send only team namespace reports from Kyverno to team B    - to: ['team-b@company.org']      filter:        disableClusterReports: true        namespaces:          include: ['team-b-*']        sources:          include: ['Kyverno']    # send Trivy Vulnerability & ConfigAudit and Falco Reports to the infra chapter    - to: ['infra@company.org']      filter:        disableClusterReports: false        sources:          include: ['Trivy Vulnerability', 'Trivy ConfigAudit', 'Falco']