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Chainsaw has a concept of levels and most of the configuration elements and dynamic elements are inherited from one layer to the next in one way or another.


flowchart TD
    Configuration -. Configuration elements are inherited in tests .-> Test
    Test -. Test elements are inherited in test steps .-> Step
    Step -. Step elements are inherited in step operations .-> Operation


The first layer comes from the Chainsaw configuration. You can think about this layer as the global scope and a way to configure how Chainsaw will behave globally.

Under certain circumstances, lower layers will be allowed to consume and/or override elements from upper layers.


At the test level, you can override or create new elements. They will only be visible to the test, steps and operations that are part of it.

In any case, tests are strongly isolated and have no way to communicate with or depend on other tests.


Again, at the step level, you can override or create new elements and they will only be visible to the step and operations that are part of it.


At the operation level, you can override or create new elements and use them in the operation itself.


Even if elements are inherited, they are immutable.

Some elements can be overridden but never overwritten.


Inheritance always flows from one level to the next and never propagates back to the upper levels.

There's no exception to this rule, but the only case where one operation can communicate with other ones is when using outputs.