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Execution options

Execution options determine how tests are run by Chainsaw.

Supported elements

Element Default Description
failFast false FailFast determines whether the test should stop upon encountering the first failure.
parallel auto The maximum number of tests to run at once.
repeatCount 1 RepeatCount indicates how many times the tests should be executed.
forceTerminationGracePeriod ForceTerminationGracePeriod forces the termination grace period on pods, statefulsets, daemonsets and deployments.

Termination grace period

Some Kubernetes resources can take time before being terminated. For example, deleting a pod can take time if the underlying container doesn't quit quickly enough.

Chainsaw can override the grace period for the following resource kinds:

  • Pod
  • Deployment
  • StatefulSet
  • DaemonSet
  • Job
  • CronJob


With file

kind: Configuration
  name: example
    failFast: true
    parallel: 8
    repeatCount: 2
    forceTerminationGracePeriod: 5s

With flags

chainsaw test                                   \
  --fail-fast                                   \
  --parallel 8                                  \
  --repeat-count 2                              \
  --force-termination-grace-period 5s