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Getting started

Chainsaw is a tool primarily developed to run end-to-end tests in Kubernetes clusters.

It is meant to test Kubernetes operators work as expected by running a sequence of steps and asserting various conditions.

Why we made it?

While developing Kyverno we need to run end-to-end tests to make sure our admission controller works as expected.

A typical Kyverno end-to-end test

Kyverno can validate, mutate and generate resources based on policies installed in a cluster and a typical test is:

  1. Create a policy
  2. Create a resource
  3. Check that Kyverno acted as expected
  4. Cleanup and move to the next test

How to use it?

Chainsaw is built with CI tools in mind - you only really need to download and execute it in your build script.

However, installing it on your local machine is entirely possible.