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Configuration file

Chainsaw is described as a Stronger tool for e2e testing.

With its versatile configuration options, you can customize the testing process to fit your needs.

Chainsaw prioritizes its configuration in the following order:

  1. User-specified configuration

    If you explicitly provide a configuration file using a command-line flag

  2. Default configuration file

    If no configuration is specified, Chainsaw will look for a default file named .chainsaw.yaml in the current working directory

  3. Internal default configuration

    In the absence of both the above, Chainsaw will use a default configuration file embedded in the Chainsaw binary


kind: Configuration
  name: custom-config
    apply: 45s
    assert: 20s
    cleanup: 45s
    delete: 25s
    error: 10s
    exec: 45s
  skipDelete: false
  failFast: true
  parallel: 4
  # ...

How to specify a configuration

To use a custom configuration file:

chainsaw test --config path/to/your/config.yaml


If you don't specify any configuration, Chainsaw will look for the default configuration file .chainsaw.yaml in the current working directory.

If that file is not found, it will fall back to its internal default configuration.

Default configuration

The default configuration below is used by Chainsaw when no configuration file was provided and the default file .chainsaw.yaml does not exist.

kind: Configuration
  name: default
spec: {}

Reference documentation

See Configuration API reference for more details.