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Migration from KUTTL


The chainsaw kuttl migrate command is designed for the migration of KUTTL tests to Chainsaw. When executed, the command looks for KUTTL-defined tests and attempts to convert these into the equivalent Chainsaw-defined tests.


chainsaw kuttl migrate [flags]


  -h, --help        help for migrate
      --overwrite   If set, overwrites original file.
      --save        If set, converted files will be saved.


You can view the full command documentation here.


The command below will migrate KUTTL tests to Chainsaw and overwrite original files with converted ones.

chainsaw kuttl migrate --save --overwrite path/to/kuttl/tests


On invocation, the command:

  • Discovers folders from the specified paths.
  • Reads the files within these folders, specifically looking for YAML files.
  • Inspects each YAML file to check if it's a KUTTL resource. If it is, the command tries to convert it to a Chainsaw resource.
  • The conversion handles two types of KUTTL resources: TestSuite and TestStep. It also reports an error for unsupported resources like TestAssert.
  • If the --save flag is set, the converted Chainsaw tests are saved to a new file with the extension .chainsaw.yaml.
  • If the --save and --overwrite flags are set, the converted Chainsaw tests are saved to the same file as the original one.

Implementation details

Discover Folders

The command finds folders in the specified paths.

File Inspection

It filters out non-YAML files and directories, focusing only on YAML files which might contain KUTTL test definitions.

Resource Conversion

For identified KUTTL resources:

  • TestSuite is converted to Chainsaw's Configuration resource.
  • TestStep is converted to Chainsaw's TestStep resource.

Save Converted Tests

If the --save flag is provided and if any resource within the YAML file needs saving (as determined by the migration process), the converted tests are saved.

The file path for saving is determined by the --overwrite flag; if it is set, the original file will be overwritten, else a new .chainsaw.yaml file will be created.

Current limitations

The migration command has the following limitations:

  • Converting TestAssert resources is not supported (yet)
  • Some fileds in KUTTL command are not supported and will raise an error